Great Dane Design Contest

Enter to win a free 1-year subscription to Great Dane Graphics.

Enter to win a free 1-year subscription to Great Dane Graphics.

If you want to discover how easy it is to use Great Dane Graphics stock artwork to create professional looking custom designs, you can do that and more. Give the artwork a whirl and then submit your finished design for a chance to win a year’s free subscription to the service. Here’s how: Use any production method to decorate a T-shirt, coffee mug, mouse pad, or other item of your choice with one of the Great Dane Graphics’ stock art designs available for the contest. Then, share your decorated item on the contest’s Facebook page for your chance to win a year of free stock art to Great Dane Graphics. Each download file contains production-ready files for screen printing, vinyl cutting, digital printing, and transfer printing.

How to Enter:

  • Choose a design and download.
  • Customize artwork or use as is.
  • Decorate item (T-shirt, mug, mousepad) with artwork.
  • Snap a photo of your creation and upload to Facebook.
  • Share your photo to get votes!

Log in to Facebook to Enter
Entry Deadline: 11:59 p.m. ET, Thursday, October 6, 2016.

What: Great Dane Graphics Design Challenge
Prize: One winner will be given a free one-year Stock Art Subscription to ($209.00 value)
When: Monday, September 26 through Thursday, October 6, 2016.
Where: Link to the page on Facebook
How: Details and official rules for challenge:

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